
Olivia Stumpf
Oct 28, 20211 min read
5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Birthify Birth Coach
"It Takes a Village" is a well-known phrase because it is true. During pregnancy, with a growing belly, changing hormones, and the...
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Olivia Stumpf
Oct 5, 20215 min read
5 Myths About Pregnancy, Debunked!
When you're expecting, you'll come to find that everyone and their mother has a staggering "fact" or alarming statistic about pregnancy....
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Olivia Stumpf
Oct 5, 20215 min read
5 Helpful Tips To Clear Brain Fog and Refocus Your Mind
Ever feel like there is a cloud covering that hoovers over your mind making it almost impossible to focus? Are you one of those people...
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Olivia Stumpf
Sep 30, 20213 min read
Easy and Quick Meal Ideas for Brand New Parents
You’ve heard the saying you wouldn’t start a road trip on an empty tank of gas, right? Well, being a new mommy or daddy is the start of a...
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Olivia Stumpf
Sep 26, 20214 min read
So You Wanna Get Well?
Between anti-aging treatments and skinny teas, the wellness world has become a field day for the seller and a funhouse for consumers....
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Olivia Stumpf
Sep 26, 20214 min read
Self-Care and Boundry Setting While Working From Home
Let's not sugar coat it, March 2020 can be defined as a global trauma. As a collective, we experienced unprecedented fear, deep...
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Olivia Stumpf
Jul 21, 20215 min read
Diet and Lifestyle Adjustments for Autumn
The fall equinox can be seen as a transition, whereas the summer solstice can be seen as a manifestation. Think of it this way, Spring is...
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